Block of the Month – MBC7

Every month we offer a discount on one of our popular designs and this month it is the stunning asymmetrical cloche brim MBC7.
All the recent interest in the ‘cloche’ era with films like the Great Gatsby make this style even more popular and as autumn approaches I’m sure you’re going to be asked for more of them. We love what Sherri Hrycay of Sova Design Millinery has done with this block and you can see more of her fantastic work using many of our blocks on her website.
MBC7 is designed to work with our multiblock system and if you don’t have any of these, all you need is an extension MBE or MBE2 and a tip such as MB6, MB2 or MB7. There are many more options than that if you have a look through the multiblocks page. Sherri used an MBE with an MB59 with that nice cutaway around one side.
MBC7 can also be blocked on its own to be accopmanied by a crown blocked separately on a block you already own. You can also use an CO4 multiblock collar to make that job even easier.

Cloche hat by Sherri Hrycay
‘Loraine’ cloche hat by Sherri Hrycay

‘Loraine’ cloche hat by Sherri Hrycay

You will receive 15% discount on the prices below when you quote ‘Block of the Month’

Keep a check on this page as we bring you a new offer every month.